
The op-ed in the Christmas Eve edition of the New York Times described growing scientific evidence that giving is good for you.  Citing two separate studies, the writers claim that there appears to be a link between generosity and lower blood pressure.

Does this mean that fundraisers will add, “According to scientists, giving is good for you, so please donate now,” to their solicitations? Let’s hope not. I do hope, however, that they will view this information as one more indication that giving is about the donor, and not about their organization.

As fundraisers, we should remember that our job is to help donors meet their needs, not our own.  When we give them the opportunity to support a passion, make a difference, or lower their blood pressure, everyone – the donors and our organizations – ends up happier and healthier.  How do you make giving to your organization about your donors?

About the Author

Photo of Brigitte Peck

Brigitte Roufail Peck is a true believer in philanthropy’s ability to transform the world. As the principal at Capstone Advancement Partners, she helps nonprofit clients build relationships, tell stories, and transform communities one donor’s dream at a time.